INFO Assunção et al. (eds.): 978-3-89323-021-1
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Carlos Assunção, Gonçalo Fernandes, Rolf Kemmler (eds.)

Tradition and Innovation in the History of Linguistics.
Contributions from the 13th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XIII),
Vila Real, 25-29 August 2014

November 2016, xvi, 438 S., EUR 61,50•. ISBN .• 978-3-89323-021-1

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siehe auch:
 ––» Métodos y resultados actuales en Historiografía de la Lingüística.
 ––» Historiografía lingüística: líneas actuales de investigación.
 ––» Ideias Linguísticas na Península Ibérica (séc. XIV a séc. XIX)
 ––» Nationale und transnationale Perspektiven der Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft
 ––» History of Linguistics in Texts and Concepts

Introduction (pp. ix-xv) // Astrid Alexander-Bakkerus: Two strata in an 18th-century Jebero Doctrina Christiana (pp. 1-10) // Clara Barros: Pragmática Histórica: Complementaridade das abordagens sincrónica e diacrónica (pp. 11-19) // Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros: Étude discursive de l'histoire des idées linguistiques: Les grammaires de la langue portugaise (pp. 20-26) // Tinatin Bolkvadze: Nikolay Trubetzkoy's correlation bundles of consonants and Giorgi Akhvlediani's archival data (pp. 27-38) // Regina Pires de Brito: Contributos historiográficos para uma ideia de lusofonia (pp. 39-47) // Rejane Centurion: Vocabulário empregado por Gândavo, no século XVI: Semas distintivos do campo léxico "nomeação para nativo" a partir de acepções de Bluteau e Houaiss (pp. 48-57) // Bárbara Cifuentes García, María del Carmen Herrera M.: De 'atole' a 'guaje': Los nahuatlismos en la lexicografía mexicana (pp. 58-70) // Sónia Coelho, Susana Fontes: A Grammatica analytica da língua portugueza (1831) de Francisco Solano Constâncio (pp. 71-82) // Sónia Duarte: "Memorias e Louvores da Lingoa Portugueza" (1793): Contributos da dicionarística académica portuguesa acerca da perceção peninsular recíproca (pp. 83-96) // Susana Fontes, Sónia Coelho: Reflexos das doutrinas ortográficas quinhentistas e seiscentistas na Prosa Grammatonomica Portugueza (1728) de Rafael Bluteau (pp. 97-109) // José María García Martín: Ideological basis of the Fuero Juzgo edition (1815) (pp. 110-120) // Dmitry Gurevich: Algumas mudanças na norma linguística culta do Brasil vistas pela perspectiva de gramáticas normativas e descritivas (pp. 121-131) // Anja Hennemann: The Spanish conditional in the (descriptive) grammars of the Real Academia Española (pp. 132-141) // Muriel Jorge: Le savoir étymologique, enjeu scientifique et objet d'enseignement (années 1880-1920) (pp. 142-152) // Alexander M. Kalkhof: Phonological modeling of diphthongs in Germanic and Romance languages: A comparative view on four approaches (pp. 153-164) // Kateryna Karunyk: How do phonemes work in historical phonology? The approach of George Y. Shevelov (pp. 165-175) // Marina Kossarik: Early Portuguese treatises and the case of scientific paradigms: Interparadigmatic periods and the two hyperparadigms in linguistic history (pp. 176-185) // Aimée Lahaussois: Where have all the interjections gone? A look into the place of interjections in contemporary grammars of endangered languages (pp. 186-195) // Nadège Lechevrel: Complementary tools for the history of linguistics (pp. 196-207) // Marli Quadros Leite: Grammaires brésiliennes de la langue portugaise: XXe et XXIe siècles (pp. 208-219) // Esteban Lidgett: La gramática castellana en los programas de los colegios nacionales argentinos (1881-1936) (pp. 220-229) // Michael Link: Conceptualizing language: The role of metaphors in structuring metalinguistic discourse (pp. 230-237) // Iwona Milewska: Parallels and differences in methods applied to linguistic studies by multilinguists Andrzej Gawronski and Konstanty Regamey (pp. 238-248) // Charles-Henry Morling: Work in Process: John Rupert Firth's reading of Alfred North Whitehead (pp. 249-257) // Teresa Moura: A pronúncia das vogais na Grammatica franceza de Luís Caetano de Lima (1671-1757) (pp. 258-268) // Maria Helena de Moura Neves: Semantics and syntax in classical Greek thinking about Language: From philosophy to grammar (pp. 269-275) // Sheila Elias de Oliveira: Léxico, tempo e enunciação em Benveniste (pp. 276-285) // Bruna Soares Polachini: Difficulties in dealing with continuities and discontinuities in 19th-century Brazilian grammar's treatment of syntax: A "complex" periodization (pp. 286-295) // Maria do Carmo Henríquez Salido: La descripción y explicación de la preposición y los grupos preposicionales en el Tesoro de Covarrubias (pp. 296-305) // Eustaquio Sánchez Salor: Oratio totius Grammaticae ultimum / logicum scopum (pp. 306-319) // Thierry Proença dos Santos, Helena Rebelo: Des grammaires de portugais à l'usage des Français au XIXe siècle: Une mise en perspective (pp. 320-329) // Karen Alves da Silva: Analogy and sujet parlant in Saussure (pp. 330-337) // Mariza Vieira da Silva: Cartilhas: Uma representação do Português como língua nacional (pp. 338-346) // Maurício Silva: Gramática da língua portuguesa no Brasil: Um estudo da gramaticografia brasileira pré-NGB (1930-1960) (pp. 347-355) // Tania Conceição Clemente de Souza: Political and linguistic aspects of the history of indigenous linguistics in Brazil (pp. 356-364) // Anne-Gaëlle Toutain: Du rapport son/sens à la commutation (pp. 365-374) // Serhii Vakulenko: The rationalization of the semiotic theory in the 18th Century: Approaches by Christian Wolff and Luís António Vernei (pp. 375-389) // Lorenzo Vitral: Biolinguistics and the object of study of the science of language (pp. 390-397) // Frank Vonk: Sigwart on language and logic: Some observations on logic, thinking, and language in 19th-century German philosophy (pp. 398-419) // Liubov Zholudeva: Suggestions for alphabetical standardization in 16th-century Italian and Portuguese linguistic treatises (pp. 420-429) // Index of biographical names

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