INFO Cotticelli-Kurras (ed.): 978-3-89323-030-3
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Paola Cotticelli-Kurras (ed.)
Metalanguage, glossing and conceptualization in the grammars of the Middle Ages.

Dezember 2023, 302 S., EUR 47,00 • ISBN • 978-3-89323-030-3

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siehe auch:
 ––» Cotticelli-Kurras (ed): The meaningful communicative exchange in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Age
 ––» Graffi: From Aristotle to Chomsky.Essays in the History of Linguistics


Introduction (pp. 7-13) [|––» Introduction.pdf]

Laura Biondi: Artes lectoriae e ortografie del latino. Grammatica, retorica, teologia nei secoli XI-XIII (pp. 14-34) //
Paola Cotticelli-Kurras: The metalanguage of clause structure in Medieval grammars: What about dependent clauses? (pp. 35-65) //
Francesca Cotugno: Metaphors in Medieval metalanguage. The body in the parts of speech (pp. 66-83) //
Margherita Farina: The integration of the category of arthron in the Syriac grammatical tradition (pp. 84-98) //
Frédéric Lambert: Phrasis entre rhétorique et grammaire. De Denys d'Halicarnasse aux commentateurs byzantins (pp. 99-124) //
Anneli Luhtala: Alternative approaches to syntactic analysis in Ancient rhetoric and dialectic (pp. 125-142) //
Costantino Marmo: Syntax in the first two commentaries on Martin of Dacia's Modi significandi (1280s-1290s) (pp. 143-160) //
Chiara Martinelli: Reflection on syntax in Medieval grammars. Francesco da Buti's Contributiont (pp. 161-168) //
Lucio Melazzo: A few thoughts on copula in Peter Abelard (pp. 169-192) //
Stella Merlin, Alfredo Rizza: Alcuin — a dialectic practice of grammar (pp. 193-212) //
Castrenze Nigrelli: Searching for syntax in the Early Medieval commentaries on Donatus (pp. 213-229) //
Diego Poli: Syntactic instances in the Old Irish glosses (pp. 230-256) //
Velizar Sadovski: Grammaticography of Early Modern East Slavic and topics on complex sentence syntax in the no-man's land between grammar and rhetoric, II. Second period: 16th and early 17th century manuals (pp. 257-287) //
Nicola Santoni: Albericus Casinensis, Magister Gaufridus, and the artes dictandi in the Bolognese Studium. Rhetorical and grammatical contribution to the medieval views on syntax (pp. 288-301)

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