INFO Law/Sluiter (Eds.): 3-89323-451-9
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Vivien Law, Ineke Sluiter: Introduction / Robert H. Robins: The Authenticity of the Techne. The status quaestionis / Jean Lallot: Grammatici certant: vers une typologie de l’argumentation pro et contra dans la question de l’authenticité de la Technč / Dirk Marie Schenkeveld: The Linguistic Contents of Dionysius’s Paraggelmata / N. E. Collinge: Dionusios Anomalos? / Teresa Morgan: Dionysius Thrax and the Educational Uses of Grammar / Alfons Wouters: The Grammatical Papyri and the Techne grammatike of Dionysius Thrax / Vivien Law: The Techne and Grammar in the Roman World / James Peter Clackson: The Techne in Armenian / Vivian Salmon: Some Reflections of Dionysius Thrax’s "Phonetics" in Sixteenth-Century English Scholarship / Vincenzo di Benedetto: Afterword / General Index